Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hot Tub Talks!

Talking is so necessary; do you listen when you are talking? Or do you just talk without listening to what the other person is saying. I've had conversations with people over the years that, honestly were more like lectures, than conversations. I was the student and they were the teacher. Often they will say, can we talk? Usually that means, I'll talk you listen, there is no two way conversation. Now I must admit sometimes I've done that, where I've done all the talking but usually when I want to talk to someone its two ways. They say something, I say something, they say something, I say something, I think you get the point.

Well conversations can be had in allot of interesting places. In bed, in the car, in an office, in the bathroom, and yes even in the hot tub. Actually, the hot tub is a great place to talk. It's a great place to get caught up because you can't do anything else when you are soaking in 101 degree water. You have to talk because if not you can go unconscious and slip under the water and well you get the picture.

My wife and I have great conversations in our hot tub. Because our lives are so busy, sometimes we just don't make the time to sit down and converse. So, when we hit the hot tub its usually a time for much talking :) Yes, talking!

We talk about allot of things - how I need to become a better husband, father, that I should fix the door or clean up the mess, etc. Actually, that isn't the way it goes or is it? It's not that way at all! We get into some great discussions, usually about the Children, we talk about Theology, the Bible, we talk about our work, we talk about our relationship and how great of a husband I am (now I'm dreaming). We talk about allot of things and over the last number of months we have been talking about our future and the church plant.

Many good ideas have been generated in the hot tub. My wife gives me some great things to think about, and I am listening. I receive direction from God about a message or how I should pray. We have talked so much about the new church and what we believe God wants to do in Thorold and the Niagara Region. It's also a great place to pray.

Wow! Church planting is fun but it is also hard work. I didn't realize just how much work there is in planting a new church but we are up for the task and the challenge. Just this past week we started praying in Hamilton with a few people who are interceding for Thorold and the plant. This week coming we start a prayer time in Thorold for those interested in possibly joining the plant team. God is doing some great things . . . we certainly are on an incredible ride but God is showing Himself strong in all this. His Word is speaking clearly and the hot tub is great because not only is it a place to talk but its a great place to soak your weary old body after a long day serving the King of Kings.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's in the Blood! I married a church planter

After 27 years you would think that you would know just about everything about your spouse. You would think that, but not so in my marriage. Just the other night as Bonnie and I were talking (that's a good thing every once and awhile), she revealed to me that church planting is not new to her. I said, "You've got to be kidding!". "What you talking about Baby!". I guess when she was a young teenager she and her family were involved in a church plant. I didn't realize that. Wow! I married a woman who has church planting DNA. It's in her blood. I didn't know! I wonder what else I don't know. Is she living a double life :)

Little did I know that church planting would be in the family. I'm always amazed at how God orchestrates our lives and His plans. When my wife was young God gave her an experience that would help her grasp what He has for our future. I am so thankful that she is so supportive of this journey. I guess for such a time as this.

My prayer is that God will raise up others that have church planting in the blood, in their DNA. Only God can do that! I believe that God has many people ready for this plant. God will reveal them to us in due time. Maybe you are one of them. Are you desiring something new, something fresh, an adventure like no other. Well, so far it's been the greatest ministry experience of my life. If your heart beats a little faster and you sense that you need to know more than let me know. Let me know how you are feeling, maybe, just maybe it's in your blood and you haven't been aware of it until now. Maybe you aren't married to a church planter, you are a church planter.

What's your blood type?

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tim Hortons, Star Bucks or Second Cup

Choices, choices, choices . . . do you want to up size that meal, would you like a small, medium or large; do you want the second pizza for only a dollar more (that would be a great deal); do you want a donut - what kind? Oh, a chocolate donut, what kind? Chocolate dip, double chocolate, Boston cream. Wow! The choices we have here in North America.

This morning I wondered where I would go and have a coffee, Tim Horton's, Star Bucks or Second Cup. Can you guess where I went, it doesn't start with a T. Choices have always seemed to be the norm in my world. I remember when I got old enough I had to make a lot of choices, choices about where I would attend school, who I wanted to marry (and by the way, that was a great choice), when to get married, where to live, when to have Children, what kind of car we wanted to buy, what ministry to enter into, and the list goes on and on and on.

We are people of choice! We make them everyday and sometimes we give no real thought about the choices we make. Sometimes the choices we make are good ones and sometimes they are life changing. I like the life changing ones.

When I was 8 years old I made my first life changing choice; when I became a follower of Jesus Christ. When I was 17 I made my second life changing choice, when I asked Bonnie to marry me (yes I was young but not crazy). There were many more but here I am now probably making the most significant life changing choice of my ministry. I wonder what the future will hold, I also wonder how this choice will affect the lives of other people. I know it is changing mine and my families but what about other people. Only God knows the impact that this choice will have on others but my prayer is that God will bring life change to many people. A change that will be eternal in its scope. A song has been going through my mind of late, it says, "Only one life so soon it will pass only what's done for Christ will last, only one chance to do His will, so give to Jesus all your days, its the only life that pays, when you recall you have but one life."

What will I do with this life? What choice will I make with the only one life that Jesus has given me? That's the most pressing question - I think instead of Star Bucks or even Second Cup, my choice will be His will. But you can count on me visiting either one of these places often because one of the people groups that Jesus wants to reach are people who love a good cup of coffee (Fair Trade of course).

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Composite of many Influences

Have you ever wondered about the complexities of our lives . . I mean, why do we do certain things, why do we behave certain ways, why do we say certain things certain ways. I remember growing up wanting to be just like the people I admired. I would watch them for hours hoping that I would begin to either talk like them, walk like them or even begin to look like them. I so wanted to be that hockey player, that singer, that preacher . . .

I now stand in the mirror almost everyday and say hello to my father. I never thought I would look like him. I am even starting to sound like him and talk like him. My laugh is just like his. My children and my wife look at me sometimes and wonder if my dad has somehow taken over my body because I so resemble him. And by the way, that's not a bad thing. After spending so much time studying my dad when I was young, I am now just like him.

People are so complex! I am so complex, you are so complex but that is what makes us unique. We all are composites of the many influences that we have allowed in our lives. And that is cool because there is no one on this planet just like you. Can you imagine two of me . . . my wife and my kids shutter at the thought.

We are all unique . . . and that is what I love about people, their uniqueness. As I think about this new church plant I get so excited about the uniqueness it will have. I get anxious to see what it will look like in a year or two. I have a certain idea of what it will look like and what it will be like, but the reality is I don't know what God is going to do as He brings so many different people to this church.

We are all composites of many influences in our lives . . . my prayer is that the Church by the Canal will take on its own unique look. I look forward to see what God is going to make as He begins to mold and fashion the clay of this church into whatever vessel He wants to make. One thing is for sure, the greatest influence that this church can experience is that of Jesus Himself. Let's pray that God will do a wonderful work of grace in Thorold and the surrouning areas and let Him build His church the way He wants it to be.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well tonight the Canadian Olympic hockey team came up short . . .they lost 5 - 3 to the other team (USA). I think every Canadian that watched this game went into it with high hopes and believed that Canada would come out on top.

"Believe", isn't that the Canadian theme for these Olympics. All over the arena tonight proud Canadians held up signs that said, "I believe" or "We believe". We really believed that we would have won . . . but, well you know, I don't have to say it again, yes I do, we lost. We now are sporting a great big "L". What a disappointment!

So, I guess we should stop believing now. It's over for us, we shouldn't even show up for the next game. Can you imagine if that was how it came down. That would be foolish, yet how many of us quit after a disappointment in our lives. How many of us stop believing about anything when it seems that our world comes crashing down.

The parent who loses a child can stop believing, a business person who loses on a risky investment can stop believing, a child who loses their innocence, they can stop believing. And many do! That is so tragic, so sad, so maddening. People lose heart and stop believing all the time. They take themselves out of the game prematurely, they simply give up and stop enjoying life. Does that sound like you? What has disappointed you so much of late that has stopped you from believing in good, mankind or even God? Sorry, you have to answer that one on your own.

One of the reasons why I am so excited about this church plant is because so many people have stopped believing, they have given up, they have simply chosen to take themselves out of the game because they have been hurt or disappointed. Young and old have just given up. They feel there is just no hope in going on. They have stopped believing that anything can change their lives, that anything could bring them meaning.

Well I believe that hope can be restored, that disappointment can turn into encouragement and that any hurt can be healed. As we begin our journey, I believe that God can do the impossible. He can change a life, heal the broken and set free the prisoner. I believe that the Church By The Canal can be used of God to bring relevancy back into the life of believers in Jesus. I believe that the Church By The Canal can be used to bring many people into a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ. I believe that God wants to raise up a new church to begin connecting people back to Himself, each other and their world.

I don't know about you but I believe, I believe that God will build His church, that God will bring salvation to the lost, that God will restore the unchurched believer. I believe that God will raise up this church and fulfill the vision that He has put in my heart. Do you believe? God can be trusted and we can believe. My prayer is that whatever has happened to you in life you will not use it to stop you from believing God, His Word and His promises. Let's believe because the God who is able will do immeasurably more than all we ask or even imagine.

I believe that someday the Church By The Canal will be very much alive and be used to bring God glory! Will you believe with me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Every man dies, not every man really lives

Sir William Wallace was a Scottish knight and landowner who is known for leading a resistance during the Wars of Scottish Independence and is today remembered in Scotland as a patriot and national hero. In the 1995 movie, "Braveheart" William Wallace played by Mel Gibson made some remarkable statements. One such statement was, "Every man dies, not every man really lives".

"Every man dies", that is certain, "not every man really lives" that is tragic. As God began to burden me about church planting, one of the motivating factors for me was this statement of William Wallace. As He began to give me a vision for Thorold and the Niagara region, I too began thinking about my life and what I want to invest it into.

I thank God for the ministry I've been in over the last 10 years, I have grown so much, but it is now time to step out and in a real way begin to live like never before. I want to feel the excitement of seeing people who are not followers of Jesus become fully devoted to him. I want to see Christians who have stopped attending a local church passionate again about Jesus and His church. I want to see marriages restored and families reconciled. I want to see people who are in great need cared for and loved and I want to see the marginalized of this world accepted and feel like they belong. I want to feel the excitement of the church being the church as it interacts and lives out Jesus in the world.

I have a vision to be a church that connects people of all walks of life to God, community and their city. My desire is to see people connecting with God through His son Jesus Christ in worship, I want to see people connecting with other people in real dynamic communities where everyone loves, embraces, values and are becoming more like Jesus. I want to see people connecting with their city to serve and bless it in ways that show how much we care and love it. I want to feel passion and compassion for people who are lonely, cast out and poor. They need to know of the blessing of God and the church, the people of God.

Someday I will die, the Bible says that there is a time for that but until then and only God knows that time, I want to live, really live like never before. I want to jump in with both feet and spend my life connecting people to a greater purpose and to a wonderful Savior. How about you? What makes you feel alive, what makes your pulse beat quicker. Give your self away . . . let God use you for His glory, then and only then will you begin to start really living.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Vision to Die for

I read that vision is at the very core of leadership, take it away and you cut out the leaders heart. Vision is the fuel that leaders run on, the energy that creates action, the fire that ignites the passion of followers. Without vision, people lose vitality that makes them feel alive. Well, this is what I have been experiencing these days. As I think about what God wants to do and when I see what can be done, I get pumped and I feel alive like never before. It creates in me a firestorm of energy and passion.

For sometime now I have seen the vision for this new church. God has given me a vision that makes my pulse quicken. I am feeling the vision too, it is evoking a deep sense of passion and energy in my heart. I am owning the vision, fulfilling it has become the pressing priority of my life. And now it's time to communicate it to others in such a way that it lights a fire in them as well and it too becomes the pressing priority of their lives.

Have you ever asked this question, what am I willing to die for? Are you willing to die for just a need or are you willing to die for vision. I believe Jesus died because of our need of salvation but I also believe his death and resurrection was greater than just a need, it was that he saw a vision of what could be and a vision of eternity. He could see every tongue and every tribe worshipping around the throne of God one day. What a vision to die for!

It's interesting that people will give not just because there is a need but because of a vision. People will not just serve because there is a need, but they will serve because at the very heart of their service there is a compelling vision. What is it that makes you give or serve? Is it an obligation or is it because you honestly believe in something so strongly that you have to give or serve. As I talked with some of our Canadian soldiers and ask them if being in Afganistan is worth it, they reply with an absolute yes. They are there not just out of obligation and need but they are there because they believe in the vision of the future and that they can make a difference in a country and in peoples lives.

That is how I feel. My wife, family and I are stepping out in faith because we believe that a city and a region is in desparate need of Jesus and they need to hear His Word. I believe strongly that not only do people need to hear about Jesus but believers need to feel alive again in their souls and begin to make a difference in peoples lives that intersect their lives. For too long believers have felt the coldness of their living. Many have stopped attending church and many have given up serving and giving because it's the same thing year after year after year. Life becomes just an existence. Church is just one more thing to do. They don't see that the church is the hope of the world anymore. They are just trying to survive.

I don't know about you but that's not good enough for me, and I hope that it is not good enough for you either. It's time to make a difference and to put your energies and passions into a vision that Jesus died for . . . the church. Is there a vision you are willing to die for? Think about it and then let God by his Spirit direct you into a worthy vision that compells you to give your very life for.

Over the next few days I am going to unpack the vision that I believe God has given me for the "Church by the Canal" and the Niagara region. I trust it will spur you on to pray for us and to consider what your part might be in this compelling vision for the future.