Talking is so necessary; do you listen when you are talking? Or do you just talk without listening to what the other person is saying. I've had conversations with people over the years that, honestly were more like lectures, than conversations. I was the student and they were the teacher. Often they will say, can we talk? Usually that means, I'll talk you listen, there is no two way conversation. Now I must admit sometimes I've done that, where I've done all the talking but usually when I want to talk to someone its two ways. They say something, I say something, they say something, I say something, I think you get the point.
Well conversations can be had in allot of interesting places. In bed, in the car, in an office, in the bathroom, and yes even in the hot tub. Actually, the hot tub is a great place to talk. It's a great place to get caught up because you can't do anything else when you are soaking in 101 degree water. You have to talk because if not you can go unconscious and slip under the water and well you get the picture.
My wife and I have great conversations in our hot tub. Because our lives are so busy, sometimes we just don't make the time to sit down and converse. So, when we hit the hot tub its usually a time for much talking :) Yes, talking!
We talk about allot of things - how I need to become a better husband, father, that I should fix the door or clean up the mess, etc. Actually, that isn't the way it goes or is it? It's not that way at all! We get into some great discussions, usually about the Children, we talk about Theology, the Bible, we talk about our work, we talk about our relationship and how great of a husband I am (now I'm dreaming). We talk about allot of things and over the last number of months we have been talking about our future and the church plant.
Many good ideas have been generated in the hot tub. My wife gives me some great things to think about, and I am listening. I receive direction from God about a message or how I should pray. We have talked so much about the new church and what we believe God wants to do in Thorold and the Niagara Region. It's also a great place to pray.
Wow! Church planting is fun but it is also hard work. I didn't realize just how much work there is in planting a new church but we are up for the task and the challenge. Just this past week we started praying in Hamilton with a few people who are interceding for Thorold and the plant. This week coming we start a prayer time in Thorold for those interested in possibly joining the plant team. God is doing some great things . . . we certainly are on an incredible ride but God is showing Himself strong in all this. His Word is speaking clearly and the hot tub is great because not only is it a place to talk but its a great place to soak your weary old body after a long day serving the King of Kings.
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