Choices, choices, choices . . . do you want to up size that meal, would you like a small, medium or large; do you want the second pizza for only a dollar more (that would be a great deal); do you want a donut - what kind? Oh, a chocolate donut, what kind? Chocolate dip, double chocolate, Boston cream. Wow! The choices we have here in North America.
This morning I wondered where I would go and have a coffee, Tim Horton's, Star Bucks or Second Cup. Can you guess where I went, it doesn't start with a T. Choices have always seemed to be the norm in my world. I remember when I got old enough I had to make a lot of choices, choices about where I would attend school, who I wanted to marry (and by the way, that was a great choice), when to get married, where to live, when to have Children, what kind of car we wanted to buy, what ministry to enter into, and the list goes on and on and on.
We are people of choice! We make them everyday and sometimes we give no real thought about the choices we make. Sometimes the choices we make are good ones and sometimes they are life changing. I like the life changing ones.
When I was 8 years old I made my first life changing choice; when I became a follower of Jesus Christ. When I was 17 I made my second life changing choice, when I asked Bonnie to marry me (yes I was young but not crazy). There were many more but here I am now probably making the most significant life changing choice of my ministry. I wonder what the future will hold, I also wonder how this choice will affect the lives of other people. I know it is changing mine and my families but what about other people. Only God knows the impact that this choice will have on others but my prayer is that God will bring life change to many people. A change that will be eternal in its scope. A song has been going through my mind of late, it says, "Only one life so soon it will pass only what's done for Christ will last, only one chance to do His will, so give to Jesus all your days, its the only life that pays, when you recall you have but one life."
What will I do with this life? What choice will I make with the only one life that Jesus has given me? That's the most pressing question - I think instead of Star Bucks or even Second Cup, my choice will be His will. But you can count on me visiting either one of these places often because one of the people groups that Jesus wants to reach are people who love a good cup of coffee (Fair Trade of course).
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